Interhomeopathy - Samarium muriaticum: A case of a woman with menopausal problems
2006 July

Samarium muriaticum: A case of a woman with menopausal problems

by Bada Domic
Samarium Muriaticum case

Female, 43 years, University Professor, very communicative and pretty. Dressed in comfortable clothes, but still looks very elegant.

Main Complaints:
She lost her menses too soon. She had normal menses, but two months ago it stopped and her doctor told her that this is menopause and suggested hormonal therapy. She decided to try something more natural.
Every time before her menses she had migraines, a pressing headache, and terrible spasmodic pains. They lasted the whole day, and the pain was so strong that she couldn’t bear a pillow under her head. It was always better once the flow started.

She has had high blood pressure for years. It appeared when her family started living with her mother, and that was very difficult to handle.

“I took care of my mother for years. She was very ill and demanding constant attention. When my second baby was born my mother asked for more attention than the baby. After years of this I burned out and decided to send her to a retirement home. It was hard to decide, but I felt that I had to choose either my mother or me. While she was in a retirement home I had normal communication with her for the first time in my life. I always felt she didn’t love me. She gave me the name “Rock”, because I didn’t show emotions. I was fighting for her love my whole life. She used to tell me, “Why should you stay alive, and your brother had to die”. I hated my mother, but I was deeply sad when she died and struggled inside between hatred and sadness.”

She also had the diagnosis of scleroderma. It appeared when her husband and she lived in two different towns over two years. It was very hard for her. During that period she had put a lot of effort into surviving.

“My whole life was a huge effort, my brother’s illness, separate life when I had my first baby, my mother’s illness and then the second baby at the same time, and University. I felt pressure by my parents to become someone. They lost their only son and I felt I had to achieve success. I did, but with great hardship and huge effort. I fought hard for my position at the University. My hands were red and swollen, with extremely dry skin. It was so irritable, that I didn’t know what to do. The redness and swelling could happen at any time, a few times a day, and I felt bad because of the people around me…it was so obvious. A very strange thing happened during and after my pregnancy, the scleroderma nearly disappeared, or it was tolerable.”

“Then I decided to have psychoanalysis sessions. I had them for years in order to be able to find myself and to solve my family problems. Then the scleroderma started to be a little better and so many things inside me changed. I discovered why my mother called me “Rock”. I was very closed and rigid… I’m a militant. I must fulfill my aim; there is no retreat for me. I also discovered that my husband and I are very different and I decided to have my own life in our marriage instead of divorcing. I feel very lonely, but I control my life.
During the psychoanalysis I also discovered that I could heal people, but I don’t know how to yet, and I intend to discover how.

Other Symptoms:
v Sinusitis whole her life, but this is not so disturbing.
v Difficult digestion and nausea when she is nervous.
v Dry skin and mucous membrane.
v Insomnia.
v Fears about family.
v Frequent tonsillitis in childhood.

She took Samarium Muriaticum LM 1 for 10 days, and she had all her old symptoms returned during the week: sinusitis, tonsillitis, stomach pain, and severe swelling and redness of her hands. The menses appeared after two weeks, and is still regular after six months. Her emotional and mental state is better then ever in her life.


1. STRUGGLE about MOTHER/care
1.1 “I hated my mother, but I was deeply sad when she died and struggled inside between hate and sadness”.
1.2 “I was fighting for her love my whole life. She told me: Why should you stay alive, while your brother had to die”.

2. CARE and LOVE
2.1 “After years of this I burned out and decided to send her to a retirement home. It was hard to decide until I felt that I had to choose, either my mother or me”.
2.2 “I feel that she does not love me, she named me “Rock” because I did not seem to have emotions”.
2.3 “I need love, I need to be loved”.

3.1 She lost menses (42 yrs).
3.2 Scleroderma > during and after pregnancy.

4.1 “I had psychoanalysis sessions for years to be able to find my self and to solve my family problems”.
4.2 “My husband and I live different lives. We are so different; I discovered this after psychoanalysis and decided to have my own life in our marriage”.

5.2 Dry skin - red and swollen hands.

6.1 “I feel I could heal people, I don’t know how yet, but I have the intention to discover how”.

7.1 “I’m very lonely, but I control my life”.

8.1 “I fought hard for my position at the University”.
8.2 “I’m militant. I must fulfill my aim”.

9.1 "When my family lived together with my mother I had high blood pressure and migraines”.
9.2 Headaches are spasmodic, always before menses, and with terrible pressing pains.

10.1 “My whole life is a huge effort: my brother’s illness, my mother’s illness and the baby at same time University...”
10.2 “My husband and I used to live in different towns for two years; it was very hard for me. During that period the scleroderma appeared”.
10.3 “I felt pressured by my parents to become someone". They lost their only son and I felt I must achieve success. I did, but with great hardship and huge effort”.


Categories: Remedies
Keywords: menopause, menses, scleroderma


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