Interhomeopathy - Editorial: valuable variables
2012 June

Editorial: valuable variables

by Pat Deacon

The theme for this month’s issue is ... no theme! My co-editor, Iain Marrs, and I offer a collection of valuable homeopathic nuggets from a variety of practitioners.

Lucy de Pieri has shared a little-known but important remedy, which she proved in 2007 as her graduation thesis at the Vancouver Homeopathic Academy. Her article ties into the very popular piece she wrote in the November 2011 issue of Interhomeopathy on the work being done by homeopaths in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver.

Of her two cases in this issue, Katharina Riedener’s first case also has links to the DTES work just referred to. She tells the story of a man who overcame his addiction to pain medication through homeopathy. This is an example of homeopathic resourcefulness. Remedies made from either of the drugs Oxycontin or Oxycodone, drugs to which many thousands of people are now addicted, are not yet available in any of our homeopathic pharmacies. Katharina  thought again, and came up with a remedy that served this patient well.

We then have two lovely pieces which show the beauty of a case presented literally in the words of a patient. Carrying on from the theme in February’s issue of Interhomeopathy, Jessica Jackson’s patient expresses the essence of another Imponderable.

Kate Thomas’s patient tells the story of a Sarcode, a similarly little-known and underused group within homeopathy.

To counter the charge that Interhomeopathy only talks about “unusual” remedies, Iain and I welcome the chance to showcase a new spin on a “polycrest”. Julek Meissner does just that in sharing the story of a child emerging from autism with the help of a remedy we would not normally associate with that condition.

Last, but not least, in her second case Katharina has given us a picture of a little-known but important plant remedy, largely drawing upon a Jan Scholten plant analysis.

Please take the time to savour this month’s Spring findings!






Categories: Editorials
Keywords: editorial


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Posts: 8
Reply #2 on : Tue June 12, 2012, 09:06:14
Thanks, Gaela!

Posts: 8
june interhomeopathy
Reply #1 on : Mon June 11, 2012, 17:03:45
Really enjoying this issue, I really appreciate the presentation of very interesting cases and useful information that is not found elsewhere, thanks!

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