Interhomeopathy - Editorial: the many ways of homeopathy
October 2014

Editorial: the many ways of homeopathy

by Deborah Collins

This month’s issue illustrates several different approaches to homeopathy, with remedies from the animal, plant, and mineral kingdoms.

In Claude Ghezi’s “Owl” case, we recognize the characteristics of this bird in a remarkable young girl, the daughter of a shaman, and observe the results as the remedy helps her to overcome her problems: she becomes less of a “night owl” and more of a sociable little girl.

Sam Scarffe vividly describes a woman who deals with her vulnerability in a similar way, taking on a strong persona, but with a distinctive animal flair to it, for which he prescribes Tigris with success.

Helene Renoux presents the touching story of a young woman who was certainly on the descending slope in life, losing a grip on her self-esteem after an abusive situation and slipping into alcoholism. Menyanthes not only helped her physical complaints but also helped her to “get her head above water,” as the plant itself, which strives in a hostile environment to keep its flower afloat.

Maarten van der Meer also talks of a young woman with a traumatic past and severe pain, which she refuses to give in to. Here, we see the themes of the Compositae plants, especially the Eupatoriaceae, between which he makes an interesting differentiation.

Arul Manickam’s patient, an elderly woman, collapses under the weight of her stress and develops ocular palsy – this complaint, as well as her anxiety, is relieved by Gelsemium, which he differentiates with Calcium carbonicum.

And finally, a case from my own files also responds to a well-known remedy, Cinnabaris, here prescribed for severe depression and sleeplessness, as well as a host of physical problems in a man who cannot resolve his anger towards his ex-wife.

The beauty of homeopathy is that we have so many different remedies for dealing with the after-effects of trauma and stress, each one fine-tuned to the individual and their own way of dealing with the situation. On the one hand, this makes it a challenging science, one that requires the patience for lifelong studies and the diligence and commitment to practice effectively. On the other hand, when one begins to master its intricacies, one is rewarded with a satisfaction beyond measure: seeing ourselves and our patients “blossom”. We hope that this issue inspires you to continue your quest, both in pursuit of your own health and happiness, and that of your patients.

Categories: Editorials
Keywords: editorial


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Dr.Amiya Kumar Datta
Posts: 6
comment on editorial
Reply #2 on : Fri October 03, 2014, 00:40:34
Effect of a medicinal substance on living being is not related with nature and character of the plant or the animal or external physical properties of the mineral.It is important to know what the medicinal substance can create physiologically and toxicologically in a living being.
laura coramai
Posts: 6
variety is the spice of life
Reply #1 on : Thu October 02, 2014, 13:06:58
I look forward very much to reading this issues cases...I am learning thru my practice that all the different approaches we have available to us apply even in my singular experience of being a Homeopath. So, with the many different cases really all the methodologies are potentially applicable...usually one approach prevails in a case but still the others are in background for me at any one time from what I am seeing these days...Homeopathy sure can truly claim that we individualize treatment at all levels from case intake and analysis to the remedy given. Thanks for all the good work and look forward to end of day with cup of tea and reading reading reading!

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