Interhomeopathy - Editorial: standing strong as a tree
February 2015

Editorial: standing strong as a tree

by Deborah Collins

This issue of Interhomeopathy is once again dedicated to the application of the Plant theory as developed by Jan Scholten. Time and time again, Jan’s innovative approach to homeopathy has opened new possibilities for homeopaths. Starting with the group analysis of minerals, and then the understanding of the periodic table as it applies to homeopathy, Jan has laid a solid foundation, one that homeopaths around the world are building their work on. This same foundation now serves as the base for an even broader work, the understanding of the Plant kingdom. Unlike the minerals, which are more or less straight forward to prescribe, the plants are more complex, and thus less easy to pin down. Both Jan and Rajan Sankaran have done much work on the themes of the various plant families, enabling us to recognise a family from the pattern of the patient’s problem. Rather than relying solely on information that can be looked up in repertories or materia medica, we can now also make use of the patient’s life story: where s/he is stuck in his/her life and personal development. In this way, both our more well-known remedies and lesser-known ones come within our reach and our understanding. Cases that have long remained unsolved are now being unravelled.

Several such case examples are presented in this issue, from homeopaths who have overcome the initial challenges inherent in mastering a new method. Martin Jakob describes his experience with Jan’s plant system, how it has changed his practice and opened up new horizons for him. Ulrich Welte, Pieter Kuiper, Michaela Zorzi, Robert Wagner, and Maarten van der Meer demonstrate with cases how the system works and how one can prescribe hitherto unknown remedies with confidence.  

For an introduction to the Plant theory, one can refer to earlier issues of Interhomeopathy: April 2014 and December 2014. Another important resource is Jan's site, where you can find the last updates:

The road of a pioneer, one who opens new terrain, is seldom a smooth one, as we know from history. Old paradigms do not die easily; new ideas are often fought tooth and nail, as though the prospect of an enlarged vision is a threat to the existing order, rather than a natural expansion of one’s possibilities. In a recent conversation with Jan Scholten, I was once again made aware of the ongoing battle raging in the media against homeopathy. Jan described the situation around an interview he had been asked to give for a large Dutch newspaper, the Volkskrant, which had previously published several highly critical articles and interviews on homeopathy from the so-called “Skeptic community” of doctors. What was supposedly to have been a chance for a leading homeopath to clarify some questions concerning homeopathy and to balance the negative publicity, was edited in order to ridicule both Jan and homeopathy in general. Sadly, this approach is being taken in many countries: leading homeopaths are seemingly invited to give their point of view, only to find that any positive input concerning homeopathy is left out of the final version, and their words, cited out of context, are used against them. This also happens to those who are investing their own time, energy, and money working in third world countries, helping to battle AIDS, Ebola, malaria, tuberculosis, and so on with homeopathy.

One consequence of this misinformation is that readers are left with an inaccurate impression of the interview and of the interviewer, who would have them believe that these “quacks” are working purely for their own glory and profit, while depriving patients of “real” medicine. Another consequence, sometimes even more painful for the homeopath in question, is that some colleagues, not realising the trap in which the hapless interviewee has been lured, turn against him/her, accusing him/her of putting homeopathy in a bad light. Unfortunately, there is little that we homeopaths can do about the first consequence – having our words twisted or taken out of context. We can, however, do something about the second one. Whether we follow this system or that method is irrelevant here. In line with our aim to search for the most "rapid, gentle, and permanent" cure, we must be prepared to search out the truth behind the facade rather than falling into the trap of being dictated to by the media. It would, after all, be a highly effective way of putting an end to homeopathy, not only by bringing it into discredit in the eyes of the public, but also by sowing division within the homeopathic community. In this very time, when homeopathy is able to help more and more people, at an increasingly deep level, it is more than ever under attack – one wonders why! Let us make sure that we use our experience wisely and remain loyal to one another, offering support and understanding instead of losing ourselves in unnecessary quibbles. Let’s stand together, strong as a tree, for the benefit of all mankind.                                                                   

Photo: Shutterstock
Big beech trees; Kuttelvaserova Stuchelova



Categories: Editorials
Keywords: editorial


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Grit Oppermann
Posts: 7
standing strong as a tree
Reply #4 on : Mon March 16, 2015, 13:25:06
Dear Deborah, as always, you are reminding us of the real issue. May I just rephrase the heading "Standing strong as a forest", let there be vastness of life amongst us. xxx
Kim Kalina
Posts: 7
Reply #3 on : Tue February 03, 2015, 15:47:28
Well said Deborah...always appreciate your grounded reminders to us to stay respectful and open to each other and the many and varied places the homeopathic journey takes each of us, both as individuals and as a community.

Just as schools of birds and fish dart and move in unison in the air and sea without being pulled apart, so too can our community in the greater world we live in. Thanks for helping us to stay together...

Gloria Maria Barbosa
Posts: 7
Se manter forte como uma árvore
Reply #2 on : Sun February 01, 2015, 22:07:27
Todos nós sabemos o valor dos trabalhos desenvolvidos por Scholten e Sankaran para a evolução da moderna Homeopatia. Sem eles estaríamos ainda prescrevendo policrestos.Nos deram mais esperança e mais vigor profissional. A eles devemos repeito e admiração pelo impulso que deram à Homeopatia. Quanto à alopatia, é uma disputa muito antiga. Prossigamos na nossa causa, vale a pena!
Posts: 7
Scholten opens up a world of Wonderful Plants
Reply #1 on : Thu January 29, 2015, 12:16:45
Thank you Deborah for this issue. Scholten is opening up a world of Wonderful Plant remedies for us ... it is stretching right up to the sky and I feel like I'm still at the bottom of climbing this beanstalk.
Reading cases and reverse engineering other cases to apply these new methods in Scholten's map, is helping us to gain a foothold.

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