Trauma - Spectrum of Homeopathy 01/2014
Annegret Gärtner: Trauma Therapy And Homeopathic Granules

Abrotanum for an emaciated newborn suffering from the mother’s injuries

The author describes in detail her experience with traumatized patients and the fruitful synergy of therapy and homeopathy. She illustrates the issue of retraumatization with a case history. The homeopathic treatment of the patient, who is thrown back into dreadful experiences from her past by a difficult birth, helps her and her severely weakened baby to find their way back to health.

Key concepts: Abrotanum, Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Bellis perennis, birth trauma, casetaking technique, injury, marasmus, Papaveraceae, retraumatization, Solanaceae, trauma, trauma therapy



Annegret Gärtner: Trauma Therapy And Homeopathic Granules

Trauma - Spectrum of Homeopathy 01/2014
Annegret Gärtner: Trauma Therapy And Homeopathic Granules

Abrotanum for an emaciated newborn suffering from the mother’s injuries

The author describes in detail her experience with traumatized patients and the fruitful synergy of therapy and homeopathy. She illustrates the issue of retraumatization with a case history. The homeopathic treatment of the patient, who is thrown back into dreadful experiences from her past by a difficult birth, helps her and her severely weakened baby to find their way back to health.

Key concepts: Abrotanum, Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Bellis perennis, birth trauma, casetaking technique, injury, marasmus, Papaveraceae, retraumatization, Solanaceae, trauma, trauma therapy



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