Cancer in Animals - What is to be cured? - Mängelexemplar de Sue Armstrong, Critique

Cancer in Animals - What is to be cured? - Mängelexemplar / Sue Armstrong

Sue Armstrong

Geoff Johnson
de Geoff Johnson

publié en Zeitschrift: Homœopathic Links 4/2016

Cancer in Animals: What Is to be Cured?

Sue must have worked and studied devotedly for many years to produce this phenomenal contribution to homeopathy. Personally I have read nothing like it.

Despite the veterinary title, any homeopath dealing with cancer would greatly benefit from the knowledge contained within. Drawing on the writings of numerous homeopaths from Hahnemann to the present day, and on and her own extensive experience, Sue has produced a work of weight. Clearlywritten, strongly bound and beautifully printed this is going to withstand years of re-visiting, reference and study, and that is what it is for.

This book is no work of philosophy or fascinating and tempting concepts. It is about serious medicine for homeopaths dealing with the most complicated, one-sided, lifethreatening cases.

This is a book encouraging us to achieve results that many would regard as impossible.

Cancer and its causes are explored, alongside the remedies that we can use to halt or reverse these processes. Families of remedies most indicated in cancer are highlighted, together with an extensive list of remedies known for their affinity for this multi-miasmatic affliction.

Illustrated case studies demonstrate the application of the science. The evidence for homeopathic cancer treatment is explored.

The materia medica and history of Carcinosin and Scirrhinum are detailed.

This is not an easy book; it is heavy. It requires concentration and deep study. That is why I started again from the beginning shortly after finishing it. I want to do what Sue does. I await the rest in the series with excitement. [The book is also available in German. “Grundlagen der homöopathischen Krebstherapie bei Tieren”; price €49.]

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Critique de ce livre
Sue Armstrong
Cancer in Animals: What Is to be Cured?
de Geoff Johnson , publié en Zeitschrift: Homœopathic Links 4/2016