Praxis Volume 1 and 2 - English edition

Massimo Mangialavori

Buch: 640 pages, broché
publication: 2019
produit no.: 07934
poids: 1220g
ISBN: 978-88-88799-14-8 9788888799148
Praxis - Mangialavori's main book in 2 volumes
Critique de ce livre

Praxis Volumes 1 and 2
de Massimo Mangialavori , publié en Spectrum of Homeopathy 2/2010

Praxis Volume 1 and 2 - English edition

Massimo Mangialavori

Method of Complexity, The Search for Coherence in Clinical Phenomena
Volume I: Methodology, Volume II: Case Studies of the Homeopathic Drug Family, Part I
€ 90,00
Buch: 640 pages, broché
publication: 2019
produit no.: 07934
poids: 1220g
ISBN: 978-88-88799-14-8 9788888799148
Praxis - Mangialavori's main book in 2 volumes
Critique de ce livre

Praxis Volumes 1 and 2
de Massimo Mangialavori , publié en Spectrum of Homeopathy 2/2010

First in a series of works which outlines a complete system of homeopathic medicine including an extensive, evolving classification by homeopathic family and detailed clinical information on over 600 remedies, Praxis Volumes I & II presents the most complete methodology in homeopathic medicine since the publication of Hahnemann's Organon of the Medical Art. Building on Hahnemannian principles, Mangialavori offers a new approach to homeopathic epistemology, literature, research, case-taking and analysis. Primary foci include the structure and strategy of both the patient and the substance from which the remedy is made; the search for coherent themes and their hierarchical organisation; the association of remedies through homeopathic rather than taxonomic families; and the reliance upon strict scientific criteria - primarily case studies as opposed to provings - for validation and elaboration of a remedy's core features. The method incorporates concepts from various disciplines in the humanities and the natural and social sciences, most notably, complexity theory, autopoesis and psychoanalysis.

The publisher:

Praxis Volumes I & II - euro 90 "Praxis presents the most complete methodology in homeopathic medicine since the appearance of Hahnemann's Organon of the Medical Art. Building on Hahnemannian principles, Mangialavori offers a new approach to homeopathic epistemology, literature, research, case-taking and analysis. Primary foci include the structure and strategy of both the patient and the substance from which the remedy is made; the search for coherent themes and their hierarchical organization; the association of remedies through homeopathic rather than taxonomic families; and the reliance upon strict scientific criteria-primarily case studies as opposed to provings-for validation and elaboration of a remedy's core features. The method incorporates concepts from various disciplines in the humanities and the natural and social sciences, most notably, complexity theory, autopoesis and psychoanalysis.

Praxis Volume I explains Mangialavori's methodology in detail; Volume II (in three parts) serves as a materia medica of the homeopathic Drug family while also providing case examples of how the method is applied. Volume II Part I covers the remedies Agaricus muscarius, Anhalonium lewinii, Bovista lycoperdon, Convolvulus duartinus, Nabalus serpentaria and Psilocybe caerulescens. Praxis is the first in a series of works which will outline a complete system of homeopathic medicine including an extensive, evolving classification by homeopathic family and detailed clinical information on over 600 remedies."

€ 90,00

First in a series of works which outlines a complete system of homeopathic medicine including an extensive, evolving classification by homeopathic family and detailed clinical information on over 600 remedies, Praxis Volumes I & II presents the most complete methodology in homeopathic medicine since the publication of Hahnemann's Organon of the Medical Art. Building on Hahnemannian principles, Mangialavori offers a new approach to homeopathic epistemology, literature, research, case-taking and analysis. Primary foci include the structure and strategy of both the patient and the substance from which the remedy is made; the search for coherent themes and their hierarchical organisation; the association of remedies through homeopathic rather than taxonomic families; and the reliance upon strict scientific criteria - primarily case studies as opposed to provings - for validation and elaboration of a remedy's core features. The method incorporates concepts from various disciplines in the humanities and the natural and social sciences, most notably, complexity theory, autopoesis and psychoanalysis.

The publisher:

Praxis Volumes I & II - euro 90 "Praxis presents the most complete methodology in homeopathic medicine since the appearance of Hahnemann's Organon of the Medical Art. Building on Hahnemannian principles, Mangialavori offers a new approach to homeopathic epistemology, literature, research, case-taking and analysis. Primary foci include the structure and strategy of both the patient and the substance from which the remedy is made; the search for coherent themes and their hierarchical organization; the association of remedies through homeopathic rather than taxonomic families; and the reliance upon strict scientific criteria-primarily case studies as opposed to provings-for validation and elaboration of a remedy's core features. The method incorporates concepts from various disciplines in the humanities and the natural and social sciences, most notably, complexity theory, autopoesis and psychoanalysis.

Praxis Volume I explains Mangialavori's methodology in detail; Volume II (in three parts) serves as a materia medica of the homeopathic Drug family while also providing case examples of how the method is applied. Volume II Part I covers the remedies Agaricus muscarius, Anhalonium lewinii, Bovista lycoperdon, Convolvulus duartinus, Nabalus serpentaria and Psilocybe caerulescens. Praxis is the first in a series of works which will outline a complete system of homeopathic medicine including an extensive, evolving classification by homeopathic family and detailed clinical information on over 600 remedies."

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€ 90,00

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