A Drug-Free Approach to Asperger Syndrome and Autism

Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman

Buch: 290 pages, broché
publication: 2010
produit no.: 01836
poids: 430g
ISBN: 978-09640654-6-8 9780964065468
Not available

A Drug-Free Approach to Asperger Syndrome and Autism

Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman

€ 16,50
Buch: 290 pages, broché
publication: 2010
produit no.: 01836
poids: 430g
ISBN: 978-09640654-6-8 9780964065468
Not available

An inspirational book for parents, patients and practitioners, filled with practical advice and current information on the causes, incidences and treatments of Asperger Syndrome and Autism. It includes 17 cases from the author's own practice, which demonstrate once more the possibilities offered by homeopathic treatment.

Publishers Note:
A must-read for any parent or a child with AS or other ASD, adults with AS, homeopathic practitioners, and other health care professionals who work with this group. This informative book includes seventeen case histories and materia medica of homeopathic medicines. It is filled with practical, current information about the incidences, causes, failures conventional and homeopathic treatment of ASD.
A groundbreaking new book from the authors of the best-selling Ritalin-Free Kids documenting a safe, effective, and natural treatment for children with Asperger Syndrome and autism. Homeopathic medicine offers renewed hope for parents of children on the autism spectrum without the use of conventional drugs. Includes seventeen actual cases drawn from the authors' extensive clinical experience treating a wide range of children with developmental, behavioral and learning challenges.
Also included is information on the characteristics of children with Asperger Syndrome and autism, other natural approaches, advice and resources for parents, as well as answers to frequently asked questions about autism and homeopathic medicine. A must-read for any parent of a child on the autism spectrum!
'The authors of this long-awaited book have a wealth or experience using the principles of homeopathy to treat patients on the autism spectrum.'Bernard Rimland, Ph.D.
Found and Director, Autism Research Institute

€ 16,50

An inspirational book for parents, patients and practitioners, filled with practical advice and current information on the causes, incidences and treatments of Asperger Syndrome and Autism. It includes 17 cases from the author's own practice, which demonstrate once more the possibilities offered by homeopathic treatment.

Publishers Note:
A must-read for any parent or a child with AS or other ASD, adults with AS, homeopathic practitioners, and other health care professionals who work with this group. This informative book includes seventeen case histories and materia medica of homeopathic medicines. It is filled with practical, current information about the incidences, causes, failures conventional and homeopathic treatment of ASD.
A groundbreaking new book from the authors of the best-selling Ritalin-Free Kids documenting a safe, effective, and natural treatment for children with Asperger Syndrome and autism. Homeopathic medicine offers renewed hope for parents of children on the autism spectrum without the use of conventional drugs. Includes seventeen actual cases drawn from the authors' extensive clinical experience treating a wide range of children with developmental, behavioral and learning challenges.
Also included is information on the characteristics of children with Asperger Syndrome and autism, other natural approaches, advice and resources for parents, as well as answers to frequently asked questions about autism and homeopathic medicine. A must-read for any parent of a child on the autism spectrum!
'The authors of this long-awaited book have a wealth or experience using the principles of homeopathy to treat patients on the autism spectrum.'Bernard Rimland, Ph.D.
Found and Director, Autism Research Institute

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€ 16,50

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